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William D. King, MD. JD. AAHIVS - Medical
Director, W King Health Care Group. Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science.

Siri Chirumamilla, DO. MPH. MS. -
Associate Medical Director, Division of HIV and STD Programs, 

Ronald E. Jefferson, MD.
Oasis Medical Center, Kendren HealthCenter,

Pattye Anderson, NP, ANCC, AAHIVM.-
JWCH Institute

LaShonda Spencer, MD. FAAP. AAHIVS.
Clinical Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Charles R.
- Drew University of Medicine and Science, Medical Director, Oasis Medical Clinic, Martin Luther King Hospital,

Mr. Tony Wafford -
Presidentand CEO of l Choose Life Foundation (ICLF)

Derrick Butler, MD. MPH. -
Chief Medical Officer, To Help Everyone Clinic, P.I. PAETC

Bridget Gordon, MS.

Orlando Pile, MD.-Felipe Findley, Martha Tadesse MPA,

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